This time, I’m excited to share a shiny new KQL query that dives into the encrypted connections our devices are making. 🔒💻. To do this, I use the DeviceNetworkEvents table filtering by connections where there are encryption algorithms used.
Then, I take a list of the encryption algorithms database from the well-known site which is an entity that monitors the global allocation of IP addresses, autonomous systems, DNS domain name root servers and other Internet Protocol resources.
Finally, I got what I wanted! cases where there are multiple connections established using non-valid or non-recommended datagram transport layer security (DTLS) protocol which could mean that our users are not protected against eavesdropping, tampering or message forgery.
Let’s get those connections secured! 🔐
let CVE = externaldata(Value:string,Description:string,DTLSOK:string,Recommended:string,Reference:string)
[@""] with (format="csv");
| extend cipher = parse_json(AdditionalFields).cipher
| extend cipher = tostring(cipher)
| where isnotempty(cipher)
| extend RemoteIPCountry = geo_info_from_ip_address(RemoteIP).country
| extend RemoteIPCountry = tostring(RemoteIPCountry)
| join kind=inner (CVE) on $left.cipher == $right.Description
// just listing non-recommended TLS versions or communications where the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) is not OK
| where DTLSOK has "N" or Recommended has "N"
// creating a new column to have RFC URL Reference
| extend RFCLink = tolower(Reference)
| extend RFCLink = substring(RFCLink, 1, strlen(RFCLink) - 2)
| extend RFCLink = strcat("",RFCLink,".html")
| extend RFCLink = tostring(RFCLink)
// sorting by Totalconnections to find out if there are any repetitive connections using low encryption
| summarize Totalconnections=count() by RemoteIP, RemoteIPCountry, TenantId,DeviceName, LocalIP,ActionType, RemotePort, Protocol, cipher, Value,Description, DTLSOK, Recommended, Reference, RFCLink
| order by Totalconnections